Sacrifice revisited

I have written before about sacrifice – the ones American soldiers and their families are making every day as we fight wars abroad, the ones that Iraqi families are making struggling under unimaginable horrors. And yet, as Memorial Day approaches, I’m compelled to write about this topic again as we publish a new segment on the Yahoo! News 60 Minutes site, in which we remember the sacrifices of wars past and current.

Our latest segment is a profoundly moving one. We hear from 60 Minutes’ Andy Rooney about why he chose to risk his life tagging along during air combats with soldiers while he was a war correspondent. We hear from soldiers who talk about their colleagues who died in battle – often while saving lives. Our stories go back anywhere from two years to 60 years.

The trial of war is evident in the stories, voices, and experiences shared. Also evident is the sad realization of how similar these stories are, how horrible the sacrifice, whether they took place two years ago or decades in the past.

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